What are the Best Debt Consolidation Agencies to go with?

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There are millions of people in America alone that have severe financial problems, many thousands more neglected to do anything about their debts which lead to bankruptcy and even losing their family home.

So it is good you are searching out ways to get help now – rather than becoming another statistic!

Paula de la Torre Editor of the “Best Debt Consolidation Companies” website — http://www.BestDebtConsolidationCompanies.net — pointed out;

“… You will find that there are many different companies that base their business around debt help and consolidation loans. But some are far better than others, so in this article we shall discuss which of these you should seek out and use – and the ones to avoid…”

Here is a check list for a great debt consolidation agency.

The Good

•    You may find an agency that is non-profit, these are obviously the absolute best consolidatory solution you will find – but they do have a strict criterion, if you don’t qualify simply move on without delay.

•    A good agency will not have excessive service charges or high interest on loans.

•    They will provide free advice and consultations before you decide to use their service.

•    They will not be pushy or try to make your mind up for you.

•    They will bring your monthly payments down to a level you can afford.

•    They will be business registered and financially regulated and certificated – award winning services will show a good reputation for helping clients.

“… Now here are some agencies that you should keep a good distance from…” P. de la Torre added.

The Bad and the Ugly

•    You should avoid service that charges a fee for advice before using their service.

•    Any agency that offers high interest loans that make payments too close to or more than your current monthly payments.

•    Not contactable, no business addresses and unregistered.

•    Any agent who turns up on your doorstep who offers you a cash lump sum with high interest – these will be loan sharks.

This information should help you find the best possible service for you. If you can find a debt consolidation agency that is in your area with a good reputation; then it will be better for you. But there is absolutely no harm in trying the service of a large national company with high standards of service.

Further information about trusted and reputable companies for debt consolidation by visiting; http://www.BestDebtConsolidationCompanies.net

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