The Right Time to Use a Debt Consolidation

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Debt consolidation is used to make paying off creditors much easier and less expensive. Although it involves borrowing to clear off all existing debts, it is a much preferred strategy because the interest rates for payment become subsidized and the repayment period is prolonged. In addition, a person can be saved from all the embarrassment and pressure that are as a result of being followed up by creditors.

The disadvantage is that, the process is sometimes not as easy as it may sound, especially if you have bad credit records. The process can also land you into an even more complicated situation, especially if you dont not commit yourself to meeting the obligations of repaying the debt consolidation loan. Before settling for the debt consolidation option, it is always advisable to weigh your options and see if its really the right time to use debt consolidation.

To help you decide whether it is time to use debt consolidation or not, there are a few questions that could act as your guideline. One of them is the frequency of calls by your creditors asking for payment. If creditors are on your neck and will not agree to any other form of debt settlement, then it could be time you went for debt consolidation option. Are you incurring fees for late or missed payment? If the answer is yes to this, it could be time to settle for debt consolidation. This is because, the more fees you incur penalty, the more you will end up paying for your debts.

Another question to ask yourself is whether your credit accounts are in default. If the answer to this is yes, then you are treading on a dangerous ground, and it is time to take action to consolidate the debt.  If you also find yourself transferring balances to avoid paying them off, this is a direct indicator that you are long overdue for a debt consolidation option.

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