Ten key ways to get rich: part one

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Most of us want the good life that wealth brings, but just how do we go about getting there? There are no magical instant solutions but there are certainly strategies to follow.

Part one: earn more
Get a pay rise

When you talk about earning more, a pay rise springs to mind. But most employees are lucky to get a pay rise each year in line with inflation. If you think you’re worth more it’s up to you to convince the boss.

Take time to put together the best case possible.

Have a clear idea of how much money you want but have a fallback position. To come up with this figure you really need to do some research to determine your “market worth”.

One way to do this is to find out what people in similar roles are paid. CEO of Link Me, Campbell Salabank, says you can look both within the company and externally.

He admits it’s hard to find out what people within the same company are getting paid, but “a bit of a quiet chat in the kitchen might help”.

Externally is easier

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