Should I deal with my debts on my own?

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Over the past few months I have racked up a few unsecured debts, and I’m wondering whether I should deal with them on my own… or whether I should seek professional debt advice to help me out.

Basically, my debts are manageable – but they are just a bit of an inconvenience to repay each month. I find myself nestled within a mountain of paperwork, statements and bills just trying to sort out where my money needs to go.

I know that I could deal with my debts on my own – I could continue to repay them as I am doing, and will have them repaid on time.

However, I could seek professional advice to help make the process of repaying my debts a little easier.

The reason I’m wondering is because I have recently heard of something called debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation involves taking out a loan (a debt consolidation loan), and using it to repay all my existing unsecured debts in one go. This would leave me with one debt to repay to just one creditor (instead of several debts to several creditors).

Taking out a debt consolidation loan won’t damage my credit rating – in fact, it could help to protect it. This is because there is just one payment to make each month, there is less chance of me missing it!

Not only this, but a debt consolidation loan could come with a lower interest rate than the rates on my current debts – which could save me money in interest.

However, I have also read that although you can arrange to repay your debt over a longer period of time (therefore reducing the amount of money you are required to spend each month), this would mean you are in debt for longer.

I haven’t quite made my mind up just yet, but I think I will seek debt advice anyway just to get a professional opinion on my situation.

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