Is Debt Counselling the Best Way to Get Out of Debt?

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If you are so far in debt that you are considering bankruptcy, try debt counselling first. It could help you honour your financial obligations without ruining your credit history with the black mark of bankruptcy. Finding a debt management company that offers the counselling can be your first step to being debt free. While it won’t happen overnight, you can experience financial freedom within a few years.

What Debt Counselling Can Do for You

Have you had trouble negotiating lower payments with your creditors? Do you find yourself allowing your answering machine to screen your calls to avoid talking with bill collectors? Are the interest rates alone ensuring you will never be debt free? If you can answer yes to these questions, you need a debt management plan. A debt counsellor can help you devise one that best suits your economic situation while protecting your interests.

The first thing a counsellor will do is create a budget for your financial needs. They will help you determine what is necessary for day to day living and how much income you will have left over to apply to those outstanding debts.

Next, a counsellor will contact each of your creditors to negotiate a lower monthly payment, a reduced interest rate or even a greatly reduced pay-off plan over the course of several months or years. They know the tricks of the trade to get creditors to work with you. On your own, it likely would not even be possible.

Re-evaluating your economic situation periodically is something a debt counsellor does also because your circumstances may change. Perhaps you find a better paying job or you may even lose your current position. You may inherit some money but are unsure of how to apply it to your debt. A house fire, car accident or even health issues can also impact your current monetary circumstances. Whatever your situation, a debt management company’s counsellors can help you recover.

Working Your Way to Being Debt Free

With the financial savvy of a debt counsellor, you will be able to gain better cash flow each month in your budget while still meeting all your financial obligations. This will allow you to save money for future emergencies or even building a nest egg to negotiate a final reduced pay-off for one or more of your debts. The ability to do this can bring you peace of mind.

Take control of your economic situation and prevent your finances from becoming worse. Consider debt counselling and realize eventual financial freedom.

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