Debt Consolidation Agencies – Do They Affect Your Credit Score?

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How debt consolidation affects your credit scores really depends on you and your lender that you are using.

You must take steps to make sure that you protect your credit. It is just as much your own responsibility to make the most of a debt consolidation, as it is for the lender to provide you with the best possible services. There are numerous things that you can do to positively affect your credit score, just as there are things that you can do to hurt it.

Paula de la Torre Editor of the “Best Debt Consolidation Companies” website — — pointed out;

“… The first thing that people should understand, is how their consolidation loan is set up. It is not enough to get a consolidation, you must have the right type of consolidation loan. Even if the rates are lower, you need to make sure that the terms of the loan are long enough to make it affordable…”

If you are spending just as much on the consolidation as you would be on your various loans, then it would not be much help. The terms of a loan are just as important as the interest rates. Without the proper terms and rates, the consolidation loan can do more harm than good. With favorable terms and rates, you have your credit cards paid off. This provides you with positive influence on your credit rating.

“… How you handle your debt consolidation is another factor in what it can do to your credit score. With a lower monthly payment, you are going to be able to save money, from month to month. What you do with this savings can directly impact your credit. It is recommended that you set some savings aside for emergencies. You should also start paying a little extra to your debt consolidation loan every month…” la Torre added.

This not only reduces your debt faster, but reduces the total cost of the debt as well. However, should you start missing your payments, this will have a negative affect on your credit score. You control your credit scores destiny. With proper planning and execution of debt consolidation loans, you can find yourself debt free, with better credit than before.

Further information about trusted and reputable companies for debt consolidation by visiting;

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