Credit Card Debt Facts – All That You Should Know About Credit Cards

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Credit cards are not just trendy. What you fail to understand that it is an added burden on your financial status. Especially during this economic downturn, getting into debts could mean much more than never ending monthly payments but also large interest rates. Though initially you promise to yourself that you will use your credit card only when it is inevitable, you will soon give into the shopping craze of credit card holders and end up becoming a debtor in no time. Hence, it becomes necessary that you are aware of credit card debt facts before getting into debts.

First of all, you should understand that the rate of interest that creditors charge you is higher than what other loan lenders may charge. However, they trick you into making a purchase by providing an introductory offer which says you need not pay interest at all for say six months from the date of purchase and just pay monthly installments which will be contributed towards your principle amount entirely.

Remember, this is just one of the traps that creditors set and all of us happily fall into it only to realize that it was a big mistake ever made. Next, you may probably be aware of the fact that credit card debts are negotiable. Often than not, they are ready to settle for a reduction that get nothing from a debtor who is close to going bankrupt. Thus, if you find that repaying debts is going out of control, you can negotiate with them for lower interest rates or under worst circumstances, going for a reduction in your overall debt.

Debt reduction could necessarily mean that you will lose out on your credit score. This is something that you should consider when you have no other go. But, if you do own a credit card, you should make sure that monthly payments are made on time. Else, you will be shocked to see that the late fee dues and other added taxes will make you go insane.

These are some of the credit card debt facts. It is really important to own a credit card. But, if you use it without an understanding of how the debt scheme works, then you will be under utter chaos and will surely mess your financial status. Therefore, hide the card from yourself and make sure you do not use it until an emergency arises.

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