Can Debt Counselling Get You Out of Debt?

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If you’re feeling like you are in over your head where your finances are concerned, a debt counselling professional could be a source of information and direct assistance for you. There are many situations where a debt counsellor can help.

Debt counsellors can:

-Work with you

-Work with your creditors

-Provide excellent advice and service referrals

Many who struggle with their finances feel an immense burden on their shoulders. Dealing with your daily life whilst also dealing with financial stress can take a big toll on you. It can even impact your health. Constant stress plays havoc with your body and your mind and it can become so overwhelming that it can impact every facet of your life. Your ability to do your job, your ability to parent, your relationships (both personal and professional), and of course the ability to cope and function at all can be directly linked to financial stress. Financial stresses can manifest in medical problems and can even cut your life short. Obtaining counsel from a skilled and caring individual could help you in many ways.

What does a debt counselling company do for you?

Debt counsellors can work with you to help you come up with a more workable plan for your finances in situations where you’re overwhelmed due to situations such as: job loss, separation or divorce, injury, rent arrears, problems paying your utility bills, tax arrears, and other money matters. You can get advice on your rights and your responsibilities so that you can take action and improve your situation. It might not happen overnight but with an expert, you can prioritise your debts and make a workable plan while being armed with important knowledge. They can often provide services for you and may refer you to other outside resources and services as well.

Working on your Behalf with Creditors

A debt counsellor can work with your creditors so that you don’t have to. When you’ve been dealing with debt and stress, the lifted burden of talking to creditors can be a huge relief. A counsellor can make a formal or informal arrangement with creditors and act as a facilitator. The harrassing phone calls and letters in the post will finally cease. In some cases you may choose to have your counsellor handle payment arrangements and the payments themselves on your behalf. Having one payment a month to make instead of several can ease the burden for you.


Laws are in place to protect you as a consumer and there are services available to help you when your financial troubles become overwhelming. Obtaining debt counselling could help you get on the road to healthier finances and a healthier you.

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