Christian Debt Relief

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Christian Debt Relief

There is an interest today in debt relief like never before, as millions of U.S. consumers struggle to cope with high amounts of credit card debt. One could argue that we as a nation are a society and economy that is based on debt and credit; that our economy could not survive without such a system in place. But that’s another argument and article entirely. This article aims to report on the Christians who are seeking debt relief and debt relief programs which cater to and understand the Christian viewpoint when it comes to credit card debt and indebtedness in general.

To be certain, there is a great need in general today for real debt relief, as consumers from coast to coast find themselves suffering from credit card stress, anxiety, depression and even sleep disorder. This needn’t be the case when there are programs today which aim to eliminate debt over time – without the need for standing before a bankruptcy judge.

These programs include debt consolidation & debt consolidation loans as well as consumer credit counseling. The issue with these programs is that while they can help to offer a slightly lower monthly payment – they are unable to realize any reduction in the total debt amount owed. The program to be avoided at all costs is bankruptcy. Though the bankruptcy lawyers and their TV commercials proclaim bankruptcy to be the cure for debt – the fact is that bankruptcy is the most self-destructive debt relief program in existence today, and really is to be avoided.

The most effective form of Christian debt relief today is known as debt settlement. This type of program typically involves a professional debt settlement firm negotiating on behalf of the consumer with their creditors with the goal of leveraging a reduction in the original amount of debt owed. Would being a Christian preclude a person from agreeing to a 50% to 75% reduction in credit card debt? I see no reason why.

People suffer financial hardships. It can happen to anybody. In fact, credit card debt aflicts all demographics today. None are immune. But the good news is that there are programs available today which can provide both debt reduction and debt elimination.

To learn more Christian debt relief programs and how to get started, please visit Debt

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