Debt Belief

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Believing in yourself is the first step in taking positive action to reduce and hopefully fully eliminate your debt burden.  It’s a can do attitude that you will need as you undertake the necessary sacrifices, do extra work to obtain more income and generally live your life under a discipline of not spending money unnecessary.

The challenge of getting yourself out of debt is probably similar to a challenge that you have undertaken before on another issue. You can draw from your experiences here and remember how you faced up to the challenge that you were faced with, how you coped with the circumstances and how you had the ability to succeed. Now being more experienced you have now even greater abilities.

Do not beat up on yourself or your family during these financially hard times. You need to be your best friend and you need the support of your family. Do not look on yourself as a failure because of your situation, the situation exists and it is up to you to fix that.  Your motivation is to get the end result of reducing or eliminating your debts, keep that goal in mind as you progress. Set yourself achievement milestones and give yourself a small reward when you have achieved your milestone. Everyone needs small rewards, now and again.

Remember that you are not the first or will be the last person to face this debt challenge. Many have been successful before you and you can also be successful because you are as good and determined as they are. It is important to learn from others and seek advice from experts. Experts do not have to cost you money, often they will have a website that will already contain a lot of useful information and these websites also allow you to post questions to then.  Undertake self education on money management, even taking out a library book is self education.  The most important thing is not to give up and keep chipping away at the debt monster. You can do it; it will just take time and persistence.

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