What Does Debt Consolidation Do To Your Credit Score?

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With the economy the way it is, more and more people are having trouble paying bills and maintaining their finances.

Consolidation loans have become very popular. These loans are a great way to combine all debt into one low payment. The advantage to a consolidation loan is that it only requires one payment a month. This payment is then divided amongst all the debt that has been accrued, and payments are issued accordingly. Debt consolidation loans are a great way to avoid bankruptcy and regain financial security.

Hector Milla Editor of the “Best Debt Consolidation Services” website — http://www.ReputableDebtConsolidationCompanies.com — pointed out;

“…Your credit score is an important thing in the world of finances. This score determines loan approvals and interest rates. Many people with a lot of debt have done damage to their credit score. A common concern is whether obtaining a consolidation loan will affect that score. The answer is simple. A consolidation loan will not raise or lower your current score…”

Your credit score is based on your credit history. The consolidation loan works to pay off existing debt, so credit agencies will see that certain accounts have been paid off. This is what will raise your score in the long run. Even though taking a consolidation loan is a form of debt, credit agencies look at the over all history of your credit. As long as payments are being made and account balances are going down, there will not be a negative effect on the credit score.

“…When employing a consolidation loan, it is best to take precautions not to incur further debt. Closing credit card accounts is the best way to avoid this. If you choose to close accounts, choose the newest account first. The longer an account is in good standing, the better it will reflect on credit reports. If you have multiple cards with high balances, close as many as possible to avoid incurring more debt.
Consolidation loans are a great resource for individuals looking to reduce debt and rebuild their credit. It is possible to do this, though it may take some time. Make sure that all payments are made on time. If you are able to pay extra on the consolidation loan, this will help reduce balances and raise your credit score…” added H. Milla.

Further information about trusted and reputable companies for debt consolidation by visiting; http://www.ReputableDebtConsolidationCompanies.com

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