The Truth About Debt Consolidation

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People who have mounting debts staring at them in the face are often at a loss as to how to deal with the situation. They often take incorrect decisions based on assumptions or hearsay. This can lead to disastrous consequences because they may end up worsening their condition while sincerely trying to get rid of their debts. One very popular way of dealing with multiple debts is to ‘consolidate’ them into one debt. Generally it is believed that things will get better if all arrears are integrated and one loan is easier to handle than many.

However there are many pitfalls that are to be taken into account before venturing to avail debt consolidation.

Risk of Losing Assets

Generally debt consolidation involves changing unsecured loans to secured loans. This may seem very lucrative because the interest rates are lower for secured loans. However, there is a dangerous risk of losing essential assets like houses in case of inability to repay loan.

Extension of Loan Period

Companies offering loan consolidation often dupe unsuspecting clients into paying more by offering the bait of lower monthly payments. They make up for this by extending the loan period and making the clients pay more interest for a longer period of time. Eventually clients end up paying much more than what they had borrowed in the first place.

Illusion of Debt Clearance

When one’s credit card loans come under the purview of the consolidation loan, one may be lulled to a false sense of security. Since credit cards will become functional again compulsive spenders may end up reverting to their pernicious habits. Few things could be more dangerous than this.

Unfair Deals

Consolidation companies usually take a fee for their part in the deal and that fee may be as high as 10%. This fee is obviously passed on to the debtor. The companies often take advantage of debtors by imposing stringent conditions. Debtors accept these conditions because they are frustrated with their complicated credit condition. Creditors are only too happy to seek the intervention of these companies because they can be sure that the loans that were turning sour will not be converted to bankruptcies.

However, it is also true that one cannot go on worrying about debt issues. One viable option is to consult a debt settlement company and get one’s debt reduced through negotiations with the creditors. Settlement companies have the professional expertise to drastically reduce debt burdens. If one looks carefully, one will surely find a debt settlement company that will have a solution to all debt nightmares.

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