Cut Your Credit Card Bills In Half Legally Right Now!

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If you are like millions of Americans you are currently struggling with your credit card debt. Making those minimum monthly payments is difficult in a tough economy. Unemployment has hit a new high and people are scrambling just to make ends meet. It can be overwhelming, stressful and very scary when you fall behind on credit card payments. You need to know there is help out there that can cut your credit card debt in half right now!

The Credit Companies made a whopping $17 billion dollars last year on the interest they charge you, the card holder. The government has stepped in and finally put a limit on how much interest these companies can charge us, the consumer. This is helpful for the future but does nothing for your current balances. Thankfully they also enacted some new laws making it completely legal to cut your credit card debt in half. You no longer have to be stuck in the vicious credit card cycle.

It is a vicious cycle and here is how it works: say for example you go to the grocery store and spend $100 on food. You put that $100 on your credit card thinking it will be easy to make the smaller minimum monthly payment next month that to come up with the full $100 right now. Sounds good right? Well, unfortunately that $100 will take you 4 years to pay off! Imagine that, 4 years to pay for $100 worth of food! Doesn’t sound so good now does it? The credit card companies count on your making just the minimum monthly payments so that they can collect all the interest! Don’t think it adds up? Think again!

The average American has $10,000 worth of credit card debt today. Paying just the minimum monthly payments it will take 40 years to pay off this debt. 40 years! That is longer than most mortgages! If that isn’t a vicious cycle, I don’t know what is!

It’s time to take action! No more bankruptcies that destroy your credit for years and years! You can now work with credit counselors that are able to take advantage of the newly enacted laws and cut your debt up to 50% right now! Stand up and let these credit companies know that we are on to their vicious interest cycle and we aren’t going to play along anymore! It’s your future, it’s your financial security, and it’s up to you to say enough!

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